Monday, September 10, 2007


As a High School English Teacher, I obviously work with a variety of students, and since I've been in education for thirteen years, I have my share of humorous stories.

In all my years, though, I think I heard one of the funniest, sincere answers on the part of a student just this past Friday.

At this early stage of the school year, I am working with my students on turning questions into statements to make a quality topic sentence and/or thesis statement. The worksheet I created and gave the students (which I've used for several years) included fifteen very basic questions to answer.

One of the questions was "What is your favorite season?" with the obvious choices being Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall.

After the students were finished, I called on a few to provide their converted statements for examples. I posed the question above to one of the boys in my all boys' Freshman English class.

"What is your favorite season, Jaquetz?"

With the sincerest of answers, he responded, "My favorite season is Football."

It was all I could do but laugh, and laugh I did.

Wanting some more information on this young man's choice, I prompted him to tell me the other seasons.

His response? "Football, Baseball, Basketball, and Soccer."

A true sports fan if ever there was one.

I dedicate this little classroom moment to all you football fans.

Are you ready for some football??


Tim said...

Priceless story, even the second time through. Yea for football (one of my favorite seasons, too)!

DaBich said...

LOL...very funny....the best thing tho, is that he was being serious :)