Monday, September 24, 2007


I've been "Tagged" by Green (He's sooooo fresh. Hmmph. Tee-Hee.) for the "Middle Name Game."

Okay. I'm game. Way Cool!

Here are "The Rules":

1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts. (Got it!)
2. Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have.
3. When you are tagged you need to write your own blog-post containing your own middle name game facts.
4. At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

L - Loquacious: In my life and profession (High School English Teacher), I am quite verbal and use a lot of words - both spoken and written. [Note: I would also like to say that I'm a Lover for the L, because I think I am quite loving and caring.]

Y - Yearning for More of God: This seems self-evident. I love Jesus, and He is my Sweet Lord and Master. I want and need more of Him, and I need to be conformed and transformed into more of His image. I would rather risk making a mistake in my search for deeper intimacy with the Lord than to never have ventured forward in the journey. [Another Note: I would also say Youthful for Y, because I am youthful both in appearance (relative to my age) and in my demeanor and outlook on life. I treasure that I generally have an optimistic and youthful outlook.]

N - Neighborly: Two of my strongest gifts are hospitality and exhortation. I am a good "neighbor" to my friends or otherwise. I want to make others feel good about themselves. This is one of the biggest reasons for success in my classroom. I strive to help my students love and believe in themselves while bringing them along in the academic ledger. When I host others, I always think of what they would like first. Sometimes I am such a big gift-giver, it can actually be a weakness, and one I have to be mindful of.

N - Naive Neophyte: Neophyte means "beginner or novice," and Naive means "innocent or trusting." I am both of these in regard to life in a lot of ways. I am a neophyte in two senses. In the figurative sense, I feel like I am "new" to the beauty of things in life. Everything seems fresh even if I already know or have experienced something. I have "new" eyes. In the literal sense, I am a neophyte because I am beginning all over again in a particular area of my life. I feel like a beginner or novice in that area, but I am not alone (Whew!). As to Naive, I do not mean this as "stupid." I mean this to say that I tend to believe the best about others and I can be a little too trusting and innocent in my belief in other people who may or may not deserve my confidence. I think most of us can relate to this to some degree.

There you go! I must now tag four other individuals, so I tag: Aimee, Stephanie, LoLo, and Constant Rain.


Tim said...

Excellent answers. You did this better than I did. Sheesh.

EstherNow said...

Correction, Green: I did it differently than you did. Not better, Dear. Better is relative. I just happened to write more and proved my "L" for Loquacious point. Wouldn't you agree? I receive your wonderful compliment just the same, and I see you two more compliments in another forum. I'll surprise you. Just wait.

DaBich said...

Good job, Esther! We're getting to know the REAL Esther :)