Saturday, January 19, 2008


I voted today!

Yes, it's a Saturday, and an unusually cold (42!) and quite rainy (here on the coast) Saturday at that, but I definitely voted in my South Carolina Republican Primary.
I would like my vote to count in a majority manner, but based on what I have been hearing for days from "polling" on the news and media, I am in the Republican minority in voting for Rudy Giuliani.

My vote for Rudy is based on a few simple reasons: (a) He is about strong national security which is a definite issue for me; (b) He turned New York City's economic spiral around when he was Mayor, and I believe he can do the same for our country; (c) He is known for his ability to work, problem-solve, and get things accomplished with Democrats as well as Republicans since that is what he did in New York since most of the members below him were Democrats; (d) He is a man of action and about solutions; (e) He believes in minimal government (unlike Obama and Clinton who have these "grand" plans, but who is going to pay for their plans? Us.); (f) He has a reasonable and effective tax plan; and (g) He has a well-thought-out immigration policy.

Rudy has not solicited or "stumped" for votes in South Carolina at all. He hasn't done that in any state except for Florida, and it seems to have hurt him based on what the media has had to say. I hope this isn't the case, and that his campaign success will turn around in Florida and the February 5th states.

There are a couple of positive ways to look at his choosing not to campaign in the early Primary and Caucus: (1) He is being financially responsible with the campaign's money and budget, and (2) If this approach succeeds, he will be seen as a smart planner and time-manager. (The flip side of #2, though, is that if this approach doesn't work, it will be seen as a monumental failure for a man who could have won.)

No, I am not bothered by his three marriages. More than half of America has been divorced at least once, sometimes more. I am not crazy about his current wife, but I don't see her as an intrusive force in his campaign or possible-Presidency (unlike Fred Thompson's campaign).

I always take my vote as a serious responsibility and as both a privilege and a right.

Yes, I voted today, and although my candidate may not win here in South Carolina tonight, at least I let his campaign know that there are some of us out here who think he would make a good President.

My vote still feels good.


Tim said...

e: No matter if your candidate wins the SC Republocan Primary or not, at least you voted which is always a good thing.

As you know, my man Edwards didn't fare well in NH - he doesn't seem to be doing too well, either and is always mentioned in 3rd place behind Obama & Clinton, though you'd never know it from the campaign emails I get. Hopefully he'll make headway in the south because he is from SC/NC.

EstherNow said...

Yes, it looks like we're in the same type of voting "boat" except on different sides of the "aisle."

We can comfort one another in our lonely votes.


American Guy said...

funny, i picked you as a huck supporter - what with rudy being ok about the seperation of church and state and all..

c nadeau & t johnson said...

Not to mention isn't he a Catholic (on paper)? I guess ya never know people. Take me for instance? Who would know I have a fetish for Scandinavian midgets in deep sea diving outfits? None but my priest ;)

Jen Pierce said...

Hmmm..I'm not sure we can still be friends