Saturday, November 17, 2007

It's About Time

Yes, indeed.

It's about time that I post, and post I shall.

My last post was about the twelve day stretch until Green came to visit.

That wait has now come and gone, and I'm simply on Cloud Nine. He seems to be too.
Never in my most elaborate dreams could I have imagined or envisioned how well things have gone between us. That natural communication style that we share on the phone came nearly instantly when we met.
I knew this man was someone special, but my thoughts have been confirmed with this meeting. He truly is a unique specimen. No glass jars, petri dishes, or scientific experiments here, though. This is an interpersonal relationship at work, and it is at work!
I am so very pleased.
Green even brought me a dozen gorgeous red roses all the way from Nashua, New Hampshire! Sixteen hours! What a long voyage for both him and those flowers, but both survived the trip quite intact. He even brought me a Boston Red Sox World Series Championship hat and long sleeve shirt along with a New England Patriots t-shirt. It's a good time to be from Boston!
It's a good time to be from South Carolina with a lot of Green!
We'll be posting again with additional pictures and information.
As to meeting Green, it has all been very, very good!


frumpyred said...

Had the privilege of meeting Green and having dinner with the winsome twosome. Enjoyed our time together. I am blessed to know both of them.

American Guy said...

yes, nothing says romance like sports parephenalia.

As to green being unique - after 30 plus years of friendship with him, i couldn't agree more.

really happy for the two of you.

now, tell him to come up for air long enough to post on GvD - us heathen have been having far to easy a run lately!

DaBich said...

From the smiles on your faces, I'd say you're both deliriously happy. YAY!! I am thrilled for both of you!