Monday, August 4, 2008


"Ahem. Attention please. I'd like to introduce to you to TED."

TED wants to meet you too.

If you've already met TED, then you know the value of the meeting.

Meet TED here.

For those of you who want to cut to the chase right away, TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, and it is a consortium and "Brain Trust" of the world's greatest thinkers and innovators in a broad range of fields. Each year great thinkers are asked to give a TED Talk which is an 18 minute speech on their specialty/passion. The results have been pretty amazing.

Here is a highlight reel of the Top 10 TED Talk's from 2006-2008:

I discovered TED while doing some educational research on thinking. It's one of the top websites in the nation, but I had never heard of it before yesterday.

Please note, though: I do not know TED's political leaning, and I do not subscribe to Al Gore's discourse, but I do know that, aside from his talk, the information from the other speakers is fabulous. Don't let your political feelings blur the value of this website. It's about innovation in so many areas, and we all need to be inspired!

You simply MUST check it out:


Tim said...

I'll have to check it out later - on a computer with sound. Looks ineresting, though.

c nadeau & t johnson said...

Well, I have no problem with Al Gore's commentaries so I will probably enjoy it.

JLee said...

That looks fascinating...I will definitely it out further.

Tim said...

Hey stranger, how are you doing? Do you ever answer your cell phone??

Tim said...

still trying to reach you with no luck.


Everything okay??