Friday, June 13, 2008


This is something I wish I wasn't writing about, but I'm also very thankful that nothing serious came from it.

I do think, however, that it is truly a comment on our culture and "times."

On Tuesday I was returning to the high school where I teach from a morning Teacher Training Session at our large District Office across the county. I was turning right with the right-of-way at a traffic light in the town where I teach.

A middle-aged man (30s/40s) in a baseball cap in a large, older truck turned in front of me while I was turning. He forced his way into the lane and not only nearly hit me, but he also practically side-swiped the whole driver side of my car.

I honked.

That is all I did. I honked. I didn't flip him off (not that I would anyway). I didn't curse at him.

I just honked.

The next thing I know, the man slammed on his brakes, threw his truck into park, opened his truck door, got out of the vehicle, and started walking toward me.

This is all in the middle of downtown on a two-lane city street with cars all around.

I knew what was going to happen next. I knew he was going to beat me up. I knew he was coming to have a physical altercation with me.

I'll be honest. I was scared. He looked like a rough red neck, and I looked like easy prey.

I started praying in tongues under my breath, because I thought to myself that I'm either going to get beat up or shot.

I don't know what happened next, but when he got to my car door rolling his sleeves up and looking furious, he stopped, paused, looked in my back seat, said he hadn't seen my car turning (not true), turned around, and walked back to his truck.

That was it.

I've never been so thankful. . .

And I've never been so confused about two things:

(1) What did he see in my backseat? An angel? A large man? (Really, I don't know, but I don't care, because I do believe God was looking out for me somehow and some way. I'm happy too that my face didn't get rearranged.)

(2) Can a driver not honk at another driver who was in the wrong and nearly caused a serious accident for fear of road rage? What has our society come to that a "honk" entitles another person to threaten someone? Why in the heck is everyone so ready to fight and come to blows over anything and everything? I'm just so confused and still a little scared about this.

Since Tuesday, I have thought a great deal about this situation.

I am so thankful for God's protection, but I'm also a little scared about the quickness of people's rage.

Are we all on the brink of breaking?

Here in my area two weeks ago, three high school students were arrested for shooting a college student down at a beach house over an argument over a parking spot.

Yes. Over a parking spot.

Four promising young lives ruined OVER A PARKING SPOT.

Pardon me while I scratch my head.


Tim said...

e: wow that is scary that the guy actually got out of his car and came towards yours. Perhaps he did nothing because there would have been too many witnesses that would have testified against him, not only for being at fault for almost hitting your car but for the posible violence you thought he was prepared to do to you.

scribe said...

I know! It's crazy! The other day I had to stop myself and re-holster my gun and say, "Scribe, do you really wanna shoot this old woman because she grabbed the last potpie from the frozen foods section?" I realized with much difficulty that I did not and instead settled for ramming her fat legs repeately with my shopping cart until she dropped the pie, at which point I absconded it and ran for the check-out lanes.

We all need to monitor our behavior the way I do. I am the example, follow it!!!

(MAybe that was my 2nd longest comment?)

EstherNow said...

Green: I thought that too at first, but there were cars all around when he slammed his vehicle into park and got out.

Do you not think it might be a guardian angel? Come on. . .believe a little with me on this. ;)

Whatever the case, I'm just soooooo very thankful there was no altercation.

Scribe: Hmmmmm. I have to say that I always appreciate your incredible storytelling ability (it is quite impressive), but I am often troubled by the images you create. My prayer is that this (and all the other) is mere hyperbole and nothing more. :)

I'll be looking at women's legs for bruises at the grocery store now thanks to your imagery.

Your use of "absconded" is refreshing. What a nice verb! Let's keep it in your brain, though. :)

Jen Pierce said...

Scribe it right! My question for you Miss Esther. Why didn't you drive away. Watch DeathRace 2000 and be inspired to be Frankenstein. Right the wrongs of society. This guy would have been a good 30 points that you let walk. Ram him next time and feel safe. You be the bad guy (woman)!!
OR...Sean's advise is to act scary and be the crazy person. Pull out Barbie dolls and start playing with them...maybe lick them...or pull their hair out as he walks towards you and slobber on it..then reply with "I don't play"...then giggle. That is Sean's advise.

JLee said...

It is so sad and disappointing how angry people get in these situations. I have had similar ones where I've honked as a warning only to avoid an accident and get flipped off! It's insane. It's very interesting how he reacted and looked in your back seat. Must have been one burley angel ;)

Tim said...

e: I certainly can beieve with you on the guardian angel thing. Soemtimes I think I've got a fleet of them protecting me!

No kidding.

EstherNow said...

JLee: Lumberjack, I think. :)

Green: A fleet, eh?


Anything happen recently that you want to comment on here or blog about?

EstherNow said...

JLee: Heavenly lumberjack, that is!

Scribe: I LOOOOOOOOVE pot pies!!! How did you know?

Green: Let me clarify: Any near accident or near death experience you feel protected from that you want to elaborate on?

scribe said...

fondue princess,

We should, like, hang out and break things.


All intelligent people like pot pies. My god loves 'em, too! And she is the reincarnated soul of my departed mommy, smartest lady who ever sired a sexy Scribe :)

scribe said...

That shoulda been my DOG.

Tim said...

I'm an intelligent guy and I think pot pies are nas-s-s-s-s-sty

Jen Pierce said...

Esther...where are you?