Portland, Oregon
Sept. 26-27, 2010
He helped himself to some of my popcorn.
Oh, yes.
The picture to the left shows Author Donald Miller (BLUE LIKE JAZZ, etc.) with Hollywood Director Brandon Dickerson and Conference Essay/Story Contest Winner Lori.
What a treat it was to go to this writers' conference! After sixteen years of teaching English, I have never been to a "real" writers' conference. I've attended state, district, and national educational seminars, and I even got to participate in a half-day Barry Lane Educators' Writing Seminar, but this was my first time attending a writers' conference for the sheer pleasure of writing and learning more about writing.
The conference was based on Don Miller's 2009 book A MILLION MILES IN A THOUSAND YEARS which takes the form of the plot elements to frame his essays.
The conference was way too short (day and a half) and the trip from the East Coast to the West Coast and back too long, but I cannot even begin to completely comprehend and realize all the ways that God deposited into me on this trip. I made some fabulous connections and new friends and took some insightful notes.
I want to wax more poetically on the subject, but right now, I only have time for these few words, but these few words will suffice for now.
As Don Miller said, I'll "put more plot on the story" when I get more time.